December 9, 2008

Lesson 2 Day 1

Okay, I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be sharing here, but I will do my best. So here goes..........There are three things that stuck out the most to me in this lesson. Here's the first : After reading the faith building story it made me question my own issues with pride. The man in this story said that he thought his families' "problems" bothered him because it might make him look bad. I thought about this and the issues I face daily with my family, my children especially. When they misbehave...I become easily irritated and frustrated. I can't help but think that some of that stems from pride in my life........worried I will be looked down upon by others when my children don't act as I think they should........ I don't want to look bad. This is crazy! Why would I want to pretend that things are perfect? This isn't helpful to me , my children or to those that are watching my life.

Second: The man in this story made a comment at the end "the weaknesses and needs in others aren't so bothersome to me. I feel a new compassion and patience toward people" I want this for myself. I want to recogonize others weaknesses as weaknesses, not taking them personally. Accepting others needs, even if it is a need that I don't have or understand. I want to feel compassion not frustration , hurt or anger. I want to be able to joyfully push aside my feelings and "rights" without being offended.

Third: I had not noticed it before but in 2 Chronicles 7:14 God lists humbleness as the first requirement for revival. It makes so much sense that He would require that of us. If we are not humble we would see no need to pray, seek his face, or turn from our sins. We wouldn't see our need because our sinful pride would be hiding it from us.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Thanks for sharing that! It is so helpful to be in this with other believers!