John 14:23-24
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
There is a difference between my kids obeying me because I said so and I mean it "right now!" Or them obeying me because they love their mom and like to make me happy. When they obey because they want to obey I see their love and it does make me feel loved. That gives me a picture of God's point of view on rather our love for Him is real. When He sees His children obey not because they feel like it but simply because they love Him, it must make Him smile and He must want to bless us for it. I know I want to reward my children when I see true obedience. A great big hug is definately a must for such things!
One area I need to be obedient in is in doing the things each day in the home that He called me to do as a wife and mom. I have days where I haven't much motivation to do the repeated everyday task that sometimes don't seem very rewarding. But if those task are done in obedience to Him they have a purpose and will be rewarding. That is where our motivation should begin. We can obey in the very little everyday things and please God by it!
May 25, 2011
May 19, 2011
Letting God Take the Wheel
What is holiness? I am going to tell you what it is to me personally. A relationship with God that goes to a deep (holy) level. Hearing from Him in all situations; sitting at the feet of Jesus as Mary did. Our appearance may reflect what kind of relationship we have but holiness is not merely an outward appearance. In fact in the last while I have fallen apart a number of times and there wasn't anything beautiful or "holy like" in in my appearance. Through these things though, God brought me closer to Himself.
James 1:2-4 says: Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
I can now say I am counting it all joy but God is still at work in me towards perfection and I can expect that there will be more times that will hurt. God steers us towards holiness and sometimes He takes some pretty sharp turns!
I am experiencing what I asked for when we started this study. (or maybe I asked for it most of my life in a way) It has been very painful and at times I don't understand at all what God is doing!
I asked God to do a real work in me again and those around me. I am seeing exactly that in our home. It's still only the beginning of things to come even though the work began a long time ago. I pray that the revival I experience right now will pass on to others. I would love to hear your experiences of what God is doing in your lives!
James 1:2-4 says: Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
I can now say I am counting it all joy but God is still at work in me towards perfection and I can expect that there will be more times that will hurt. God steers us towards holiness and sometimes He takes some pretty sharp turns!
I am experiencing what I asked for when we started this study. (or maybe I asked for it most of my life in a way) It has been very painful and at times I don't understand at all what God is doing!
I asked God to do a real work in me again and those around me. I am seeing exactly that in our home. It's still only the beginning of things to come even though the work began a long time ago. I pray that the revival I experience right now will pass on to others. I would love to hear your experiences of what God is doing in your lives!
Again feel free to follow further here:
May 12, 2011
Updating status:)
If you have been following here.. Post have been slow and I'm going through a lot of real life experinces that go beyond this book. You are welcome to go to my personal blog and read there.
Go to:
Living & Learning
Go to:
Living & Learning
April 17, 2011
Walking in the Light
We finished our lesson on honesty last week, but I had not had the chance to post anything about it yet. For me this week while going through the lesson, I was learning mostly from real life experiences. God was working more in the areas of faith and trusting Him then what our lesson was about. Like I said from the beginning this isn't about getting through a book but about Seeking God and listening to what HE is saying. Maybe some weeks He will teach us life lessons that are not based on topic for that week, but it's still about revival in our hearts.
The passage I have always been able to learn from and was in our Honesty lesson was 1John 1:5-9
Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness
"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
One thing that really makes sense to me now is about having fellowship with one another if we walk in the light. When we walk in darkness, we are uncomfortable in the light. There was a time in my life where I did not feel I belonged with those who were always talking about God and Bible verses, or yelled out halleluia in their excitement! Then later in my life it became so special to be with people like that. Even now when I struggle or I'm not walking in the light, I am tempted to shut others out. Anyone else ever feel that way?
The passage I have always been able to learn from and was in our Honesty lesson was 1John 1:5-9
Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness
"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
One thing that really makes sense to me now is about having fellowship with one another if we walk in the light. When we walk in darkness, we are uncomfortable in the light. There was a time in my life where I did not feel I belonged with those who were always talking about God and Bible verses, or yelled out halleluia in their excitement! Then later in my life it became so special to be with people like that. Even now when I struggle or I'm not walking in the light, I am tempted to shut others out. Anyone else ever feel that way?
April 2, 2011
Two Kings -Two Choices
This event in 2nd Chronicles spoke to me in more ways than one! First of all on how important it is to humble ourselves and turn to God! Also in another way. In this story (as in many cases).... We see how quick God is to forgive and help those who turn to Him. If we humble ourselves and turn to Him, He will do the same for us.
2 Chronicles 12:1-7
1 Now it came to pass, when Rehoboam had established the kingdom and had strengthened himself, that he forsook the law of the LORD, and all Israel along with him. 2 And it happened in the fifth year of King Rehoboam that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had transgressed against the LORD, 3 with twelve hundred chariots, sixty thousand horsemen, and people without number who came with him out of Egypt—the Lubim and the Sukkiim and the Ethiopians. 4 And he took the fortified cities of Judah and came to Jerusalem.
5 Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah, who were gathered together in Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, “Thus says the LORD: ‘You have forsaken Me, and therefore I also have left you in the hand of Shishak.
6 So the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves; and they said, “The LORD is righteous.”
7 Now when the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, “They have humbled themselves; therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance.
So quickly people can change and turn away from the truth of God's word. God never turns away from us first. It is by our own choices we make that could seperate us from Him! So often too, we turn to all kinds of other places for help first before turning to Him.
May we all humble ourselves today and turn to Jesus alone!
(Feel free to comment)
2 Chronicles 12:1-7
1 Now it came to pass, when Rehoboam had established the kingdom and had strengthened himself, that he forsook the law of the LORD, and all Israel along with him. 2 And it happened in the fifth year of King Rehoboam that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had transgressed against the LORD, 3 with twelve hundred chariots, sixty thousand horsemen, and people without number who came with him out of Egypt—the Lubim and the Sukkiim and the Ethiopians. 4 And he took the fortified cities of Judah and came to Jerusalem.
5 Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah, who were gathered together in Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, “Thus says the LORD: ‘You have forsaken Me, and therefore I also have left you in the hand of Shishak.
6 So the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves; and they said, “The LORD is righteous.”
7 Now when the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, “They have humbled themselves; therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance.
So quickly people can change and turn away from the truth of God's word. God never turns away from us first. It is by our own choices we make that could seperate us from Him! So often too, we turn to all kinds of other places for help first before turning to Him.
May we all humble ourselves today and turn to Jesus alone!
(Feel free to comment)
April 1, 2011
Moving Forward With God
We are working on Lesson 2 this week and some things are coming back to me more from last time but at the same time I am plowing all over again. I don't think God skips any steps even if we are going through this time of seeking Him a second time. I have had a desire to read His word this week, which I am so glad for. The last while it was more something I had to force myself to do and really it is such a priviledge! I thank God for putting the desire back in my heart! It makes me see how everything is only possible through God Himself, including revival and humility as we have learned about so far. The Seeking Him book itself will not revive us but the Spirit of God will!
Memory Verse:
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 14:11
March 26, 2011
Quiet Time With God
When do you take the time to do your daily lessons? I have heard so often the best time to study His is right in the morning, but can't seem to make that work. I find the only thing that is good for me right in the morning is some time in prayer, but as far as devotions and Bible study goes, I just don't get as much out of it during that time. I use to feel guilty for that, especially after hearing testimonies of Christians who were so comitted to that. Now I decided, instead of feeling guilty, I will set a time that is right for the way I am and concentrate on what He teaches me not when I do my devotions. What are your (honest) thoughts?
March 24, 2011
Memory Verses
One of my goals is to memorize all the memory verses through this study this time. It's an area I struggle with or just don't take enough time for. When I try to get our kids to memorize scripture, I often feel bad because I don't do that enough myself. I may need accountability in this area now, so do ask me about it from time to time.
Memory Verse:
“Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
March 22, 2011
Beginning The Journey ~ 2011!
In November of 2008, I went through the Seeking Him study with a group of ladies and today in March of 2011 I started it again. I was just reading through our Introduction post from last time and I realized, I don't even remember writing any of that stuff. I think this will definately be good all over again and I am excited about it! Today was more of a look into what we will be getting into, so now let the seeking and digging begin!
(From the book:)
" Are you tired of trying to be a good Christian? Are you overloaded and worn out with church activities? Do you sometimes feel like you are just going through the motions of the Christian life?Do you often find yourself running on empty spiritually? Do you experience heaviness or shame more than more than joy and freedom in your Christian life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps God is calling you to something deeper. Maybe you're ready to experience personal revival!"
(From the book:)
" Are you tired of trying to be a good Christian? Are you overloaded and worn out with church activities? Do you sometimes feel like you are just going through the motions of the Christian life?Do you often find yourself running on empty spiritually? Do you experience heaviness or shame more than more than joy and freedom in your Christian life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps God is calling you to something deeper. Maybe you're ready to experience personal revival!"
I thought those were very good questions to start out with! I am ready to hear from Him again!
April 21, 2009
1 Thessalonians 1-8
Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
April 9, 2009
Still Here!
I haven't forgotten about our poor blog ; just haven't had much opportunity to start anything here. We are now working on the last lesson of our book. It has been a big blessing to go through it. Hopefully I get a chance to come add some more details soon.
Stay encouraged all and keep lets keep our eyes on God our Redeemer and Friend!
Stay encouraged all and keep lets keep our eyes on God our Redeemer and Friend!
March 13, 2009
WOW! We had an amazing time today, as a group, sharing about the complete and total forgiveness of God and then worshiping Him after.
As I went on to the next lesson I was once again encouraged by reading the Faith Builder story. Here is what encouraged me, as I was still thinking about forgiveness and the wholeness of it:
"...when the Holy Spirit reminded her (Sue) that it was from the cross - from the intense agony of the cross - that Jesus spoke and gave forgiveness, Sue knew He wanted her to do the same."
She goes on to say that at that moment she needed to make a choice: was she going to forgive or was she going to become a "bitter old woman". Sound familiar girls?! :)
How can we not forgive, if Christ forgave us!
Forgiveness. What a blessing that has been given to us.
By Kathy Thiessen
As I went on to the next lesson I was once again encouraged by reading the Faith Builder story. Here is what encouraged me, as I was still thinking about forgiveness and the wholeness of it:
"...when the Holy Spirit reminded her (Sue) that it was from the cross - from the intense agony of the cross - that Jesus spoke and gave forgiveness, Sue knew He wanted her to do the same."
She goes on to say that at that moment she needed to make a choice: was she going to forgive or was she going to become a "bitter old woman". Sound familiar girls?! :)
How can we not forgive, if Christ forgave us!
Forgiveness. What a blessing that has been given to us.
By Kathy Thiessen
March 10, 2009
The Depth of Forgiveness

Have we forgiven as Christ has forgiven us? I have come to the conclussion that no we are not there yet. Christ forgave all our sins in an instant. He took all of our sins on Himself though He did not deserve that punishment! Can we say we are at that point where we have already taken everything anyone could possibly do to us today, tomorrow or in the future sometime, and have already forgiven all of it? Going into this lesson, I was thinking well this isn't going to be a big issue for me at this point because I have already forgiven everyone that has hurt me in anyway and I know that I want to forgive all coming offenses no matter what. No doubt about it! What God proved to me though, is that He can always take you to the next level of forgiveness. He showed me how small the things are that we need to forgive compared to what He has forgiven us. He seemed to expand things a little and show me a bigger picture of how unlimited our forgiveness needs to be. We can always grow and forgive more. Just another step closer to what He did. Such a tiny step really! The burdens He carried on the cross suddenly looked much heavier than before and I am more grateful than ever for what He did for me!
Also I've often been selfish by getting wrapped up in the areas where others have hurt me. I would have been a brighter light for Jesus if I hadn't been wrapped up in me.Maybe if I was more wrapped up in the things of God , I wouldn't even have noticed when someone did me "wrong."
Also, I should be more concerned about how I may have hurt someone else then how they hurt me. There is the best way for us all to look at it I think. To be able to apply that to our life and not just say it, is by prayer and feeding ourselves daily with God's word. Put our focus and energy into God. Loving Him above all else! It is then God Himself who forgives through us.
Ephesians 4
29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Lets ask ourselves:
Have we truly forgiven all things and gotten rid of any bitterness? If we have, we will no longer need to talk about any offenses and we also won't need to say I forgave but I won't forget. Not that we will have a lost of memory, but we just won't have any reason left to think about the issues anymore.
Love and Obedience
I know I haven’t come to share in a while. We are now working on lesson 9. Lesson 7 was on obedience, the test of love. It is just so true, that if we truly love the Lord , we will want to obey Him and do His will. We are not working to earn our salvation, that was already a free gift to those who believed and personally accepted it. Having received now and having a personal relationship with Him now, we have so much to be thankful for! Though I can’t do anything to earn this on my own, He gave me eternal life. The hope of eternal life is now what is a for sure thing. He saved my soul. Me! (A sinner from the beginning. ) And to all of those who have accepted this. Jesus freed me from what I really deserved and gave me an eternal future in heaven. He is preparing a place for us that is great beyond what we can comprehend.
So, the price has been paid, it’s finished …. Nothing I can do beyond receiving it.
So now what? Say thank you and go live for the devil? Not So! If we have really been born of the Spirit; Our life and future being in His hands then why would we want to live on the dark side? Why would we want to serve Satan. We cannot not worship God and serve Satan at the same time. Maybe it sounds extreme, but our life really does show what we strive for , whom we are living for. If we love the Lord, we will want to wait on Him. We will be grieved by our disobedience. Often what we need to do is so hard and we are not without failures. I have had to go to the Lord many times, and confess my sins. To this day He isn’t finished working in my heart. I can think one day I am obeying the Lord and the next day He will show me an area I have not obeyed. So, I continue on in my relationship with our savior striving to be obedient to Him until one day He will take me home.
So, the price has been paid, it’s finished …. Nothing I can do beyond receiving it.
So now what? Say thank you and go live for the devil? Not So! If we have really been born of the Spirit; Our life and future being in His hands then why would we want to live on the dark side? Why would we want to serve Satan. We cannot not worship God and serve Satan at the same time. Maybe it sounds extreme, but our life really does show what we strive for , whom we are living for. If we love the Lord, we will want to wait on Him. We will be grieved by our disobedience. Often what we need to do is so hard and we are not without failures. I have had to go to the Lord many times, and confess my sins. To this day He isn’t finished working in my heart. I can think one day I am obeying the Lord and the next day He will show me an area I have not obeyed. So, I continue on in my relationship with our savior striving to be obedient to Him until one day He will take me home.
February 13, 2009
The Works of Our Father
Today we got together again to share with each other what God showed us through this lesson and what he has been doing. I was very encouraged by our time together. I see again that God is not finished with me yet and that He wants to draw us all nearer to Him. I pray that He will overflow in my life in a way that will touch many others as well. I see how, I myself do not have anything to give but with Him all things are possible. I want to be transparent and honest in all things. I want to be willing to share God's word, and just become .... like an open book, I guess you could say. That isn't easy for me, but I want to do it for God.
I pray oh Father, that you will keep us in your arms and that your spirit will take over our lives in a way that we can not even put into words. Lord make us a light to shine brightly, and lead many more to the light. May your love flow through each of us and may our actions show your love to those around us. I am so unworthy to be your child and I know that I deserved punishment for my sins. Lord, I thank you that you have taken my punishment for me and that you are still with us. I pray for all of those who are seeking you. Bless them all with a revived heart. In the name of Jesus , I pray. Amen.
This study is not about obtaining more knowledge for ourselves. It's about God doing a miracle in our lives and bringing us to a point, we didn't know existed. Is He bringing us to a whole new level again? Is He bringing us revival? I pray that it is evident that He is. I pray that He Himself has His hand over all of us and is blessing us with a real touch of Him.
We will not find satisfaction in anything else, but Him. The world can fall apart around us, the ecomomy can be in a pit, things can look pretty gloomy but with our eyes on Jesus and the ultimate prize, we will not fall into the world's pit.

February 11, 2009
Can We Be Holy?
"Man's holiness is now his greatest happiness, and in heaven man's greatest happiness will be perfect holiness." Thomas Brooks
(I really like some of the quotes that are in this book!)
So, what is it we think of when we think of holiness? I use to think of it as a word that only described God and His word, because God and His word are perfect. People are not perfect so how can they then be holy? Well for one thing, we cannot be holy without God's Spirit in us. Without God, our good works and our good values will not be considered holy works of God, but these things will be in vain. Only when it is God working through us are we being molded to His holy image. We cannot take any credit for ourselves. ( I speak of personal holiness here and in our personal holiness, it is God at work in us, making us more and more like Him.Not our own doing.)
HOLY (HOLINESS): The original meaning of holy is "other" or even "transcendent." To be made holy in a spiritual sense is to be raised into a transcendent realm, beyond the normal bounds of what would ordinarily be true. Ultimately holiness would have everything to do with a transformation of being.
In the beginning of this lesson, it talked about how people often see holiness as dour faces, rigid rules, and self righteousness. I think I too had some wrong images in my own head about holiness. I didn't think of it as joy and gladness coming with it. Sometimes, I think I even tried to be different then what God intended for me to be, because of my wrong ideas. I didn't know who I was suppose to be as a woman serving God at one point. The ideas I had gotten out of a book I read, seemed so different then what I could be or now I think then what I was suppose to be. As I prayed about it for sometime, God made it clear again. I think we have to be careful with what we read, even if they are Christian books, because we can start loosing sight of God, in some books. (Seek God and He will help us to discern what is of Him)
I could get into a lot of little details here right now, but I won't do that because I am still learning as I go, and I don't want to share anyhting unless I know God 100% directed it.
With God in us, we will not be able to stay as we are. He will feed us and as we grow, we go through many changes in our lives.(not to mention growing pains.) Each christian is in their own stage of growth; God works in us individually. We cannot judge what God is doing in other believers. It can be easy to judge other believers, but if we think of it as actually judging God's work, it suddenly makes sense why we are not to judge others, but to to pray for them and exhort exhort them.
On the other hand, we can very easily feel as though we are being judged, when maybe that is not the case at all. I know I have felt that way before and once more I needed God to search my own heart to get to the root of my feelings.
May God continue to work in all of our hearts as we seek Him together. May we become more and more like Him.
(I really like some of the quotes that are in this book!)
So, what is it we think of when we think of holiness? I use to think of it as a word that only described God and His word, because God and His word are perfect. People are not perfect so how can they then be holy? Well for one thing, we cannot be holy without God's Spirit in us. Without God, our good works and our good values will not be considered holy works of God, but these things will be in vain. Only when it is God working through us are we being molded to His holy image. We cannot take any credit for ourselves. ( I speak of personal holiness here and in our personal holiness, it is God at work in us, making us more and more like Him.Not our own doing.)
HOLY (HOLINESS): The original meaning of holy is "other" or even "transcendent." To be made holy in a spiritual sense is to be raised into a transcendent realm, beyond the normal bounds of what would ordinarily be true. Ultimately holiness would have everything to do with a transformation of being.
In the beginning of this lesson, it talked about how people often see holiness as dour faces, rigid rules, and self righteousness. I think I too had some wrong images in my own head about holiness. I didn't think of it as joy and gladness coming with it. Sometimes, I think I even tried to be different then what God intended for me to be, because of my wrong ideas. I didn't know who I was suppose to be as a woman serving God at one point. The ideas I had gotten out of a book I read, seemed so different then what I could be or now I think then what I was suppose to be. As I prayed about it for sometime, God made it clear again. I think we have to be careful with what we read, even if they are Christian books, because we can start loosing sight of God, in some books. (Seek God and He will help us to discern what is of Him)
I could get into a lot of little details here right now, but I won't do that because I am still learning as I go, and I don't want to share anyhting unless I know God 100% directed it.
With God in us, we will not be able to stay as we are. He will feed us and as we grow, we go through many changes in our lives.(not to mention growing pains.) Each christian is in their own stage of growth; God works in us individually. We cannot judge what God is doing in other believers. It can be easy to judge other believers, but if we think of it as actually judging God's work, it suddenly makes sense why we are not to judge others, but to to pray for them and exhort exhort them.
On the other hand, we can very easily feel as though we are being judged, when maybe that is not the case at all. I know I have felt that way before and once more I needed God to search my own heart to get to the root of my feelings.
May God continue to work in all of our hearts as we seek Him together. May we become more and more like Him.
February 9, 2009
Every Spiritual Blessing
"Blessed be the God and Father of out Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." Eph. 1:3
'The contents of the Christian's heavenly "bank account": adoption, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, the seal of the Holy Spirit, life, grace, citizenship - in short, "every spiritual blessing." '
We are to put off the old man, be renewed in our mind and then "put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 4:24
Holiness - without spot (sin) and blameless - (Here, in 2 Peter 2:10-15, “spots” are described)
'The contents of the Christian's heavenly "bank account": adoption, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, the seal of the Holy Spirit, life, grace, citizenship - in short, "every spiritual blessing." '
We are to put off the old man, be renewed in our mind and then "put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 4:24
Holiness - without spot (sin) and blameless - (Here, in 2 Peter 2:10-15, “spots” are described)
February 4, 2009
Wow...this was a big one for us at Bible Study on Monday. The proud people...humble people list. Ouch. That really did hurt. But God is definitely working on us ladies. A number of them shared how God is at work and its hurting but God sometimes has to break us before He can really mend us or heal us. Either from past hurts or past sins. We are not about jump off the surgery table now. God Is Good.
Positional & Personal Holiness
“Holiness can be defined on two levels.
Positional holiness is what God imparts to us when we become His children. Since Hod is holy and we are sinners, we are reconciled to God by the blood of Christ shed on the cross.
Personal holiness on the other hand, is the outworking and fruit of pesional holiness, evidenced in the way we thinkand live. "
Positional holiness is what God imparts to us when we become His children. Since Hod is holy and we are sinners, we are reconciled to God by the blood of Christ shed on the cross.
Personal holiness on the other hand, is the outworking and fruit of pesional holiness, evidenced in the way we thinkand live. "
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25-27
“To be sanctified is to be made holy in our practice. Sanctification is a process that begins in every child of God at the point of regenaration and continues untill our final glorification whrn we see Christ face to face.”
January 21, 2009
More Grace

Well, it seems God has directed for us to spend some more time meditating on His grace. We are finished Lesson 5 , but for the next few weeks let us just focus on what we have already been learning. Go straight to the word of God and look for verses that speak of His grace. Find songs that speak of grace and ask God to speak directly to you through them.
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.
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